Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So Wordpress Just Suspended Me and I Don't Know Why

Yep, you've read that right.

Recently I started a new blog on (read: new, as in totally clean slate) just for the sake of having one, and left it fresh out of the oven. Nope, I didn't publish anything, and nope, I didn't even tweak anything yet. It was like buying something new and putting it on the table without even touching the packaging.

So anyways today I logged on just to check on Wordpress, and probably blog there some random thoughts (after all, I did prefer Wordpress before) and was surprised to read this in a comfy red box: SITE SUSPENDED.

And I went like, what the f*ck? What did I do wrong?

So instead of contacting Wordpress Support to argue with the helpdesk agents (after all, it did indicate some ToS violations without me even doing anything), I simply went straight here and decided to blog on Blogger instead. Ironically, to blog about another blog where I should have been blogging.

So why did Wordpress suspend me in the first place? I honestly have no idea. I may find some time later to check with the support team, but that's until I rack up enough anti-lazy energies* in my body.

Hmm... interesting.

* If they even exist.

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